the root of Grace Ministry

About Us

The Root of Grace Ministry has always been at the forefront of comfort to the dying mission. We believe that the dying deserves to die in comfort regardless of the circumstances that brought them to the point of death.

every dying person deserves to die joyfully in comfort and not in sorrow.

We believe that every dying person deserves to be shown the love of Christ, particularly the dying unbelievers as a last-minute opportunity to give their lives to the Lord before giving up the ghost.

Hear From the man God gave the Vision to:

“TESTIMONY FROM TRAINED HOSPICE nurse in the U.S. For years she has been reaching out to the dying sick and the invalid, giving them comfort, care, the hope of eternal life with Christ, and the love of Christ. She preaches Jesus Christ to them and many of them hitherto in a pitiable state of regrets, dejection, and despondency suddenly radiating joy and gladness. It is amazing many of them lived several years before they finally died.
Her testimony motivates us over the years have been on this comfort to the dying mission as an integral part of our larger humanitarian ministry to the less privileged, the needy, and the destitute. We visit Nigeria once yearly to give the love of Christ to the needy in the areas of free distribution of food items, beverages, toiletries, and free medicare, and above all the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Saviour.

The free medicare of our mission involves free medical tests of diabetes, blood level, sugar level, eyes test, etc. We also give free OTC drugs to those that prescriptively need them, while for severe medical cases or issues we refer them to hospitals or specialists and pick their medical bills. We usually take this mission to villages and other densely populated areas in Nigeria. Above all, we preach Jesus Christ the Saviour to the people and offer them the free gift of salvation.

By God’s grace, we are planning to expand the scope of our mission in Nigeria. We have plans for a residential structure to house widows, orphans, the homeless, and the destitute. By God’s grace, our next mission visit to Nigeria is next month December 2021. Aside from our usual activities, we shall visit the dying in homes, hospitals, and prisons and share the comfort, the care, and the love of Christ with them. We will pray and share the word of God with them, and make them joyful even if they will die the next minute. God may heal and avert the death of some of them because we believe that with God all things are possible”